Santisima Muerte Candle Altar Services

These services petition the aid of Santisima Muerte in one of Her colored robed aspects. Each one carries a slightly different energy, so make sure to read through the options to choose the most appropriate service. If you are unsure, book for a La Blanca service, and if another robe is more fitting, I will let you know.
Occasionally She will indicate that She will not hear a petition, and in those rare cases the service fee will be refunded in full.
Please note that my personal limitations on which cases I will and won't work for still stand.
Available Services
La Blanca (White):The White Lady can be petitioned for any cause. She is often petitioned for peace, healing, blessings, and other similar pursuits and situations. This is the most peaceful, and spiritually "cool" aspect of Santisima Muerte.
La Roja (Red):
The Red Lady is petitioned for more passionate, fiery, and energetic needs. She deals with all matters of the heart including love, lust, sex, sensuality, loving or passionate emotions, fidelity, and more.
1 Day Burn - $50
La Negra (Black):
The Black Lady is petitioned for causes that may carry a bit more risk, or when the petitioner wants to be rid of something. She can be petitioned for protection, removing obstacles, reversal of harm, and uncrossing.
3 Day Burn - $150
La Niña Azul (Blue):The Blue Lady is petitioned for matters related to communication, learning, and wisdom, and also for family peace and well being. She can be petitioned to help one be understood more completely, to deepen one's insight and understanding, as well as for success in academic pursuits, improved memory, and similar causes.
La Niña Dorada (Gold) :
The Gold Lady takes care of all manner of success, blessings, prosperity, and abundance needs. She can be petitioned for increased luck, good fortune, increased financial flow, money drawing, personal success and empowerment, confidence and courage, happiness and lessened anxiety, increased efficiency and skill, and all similar matters.
7 Day Burn - $325
La Niña Morado/Purpura (Purple):
The Purple Lady is petitioned for all manner of health and healing needs - mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. She can also be approached for increased psychicism, intuitive development, and occult prowess.
La Niña Verde (Green):
The Green Lady governs the areas of life related to justice and the law. She can be petitioned for immigration purposes, court cases, fair outcome of disputes, smoother navigation of bureaucracy, and for generally gaining favor when requesting something from someone. This aspect is sometimes petitioned for money and finances when it intersects with the other elements this colored aspect rules.
La Santa Muerte de las Siete Potencias (7 Powers / Rainbow):
The 7 Powers/Rainbow aspect of Santa Muerte can be petitioned if someone has multiple needs, and wishes to bring them all before her at once.
Monthly Burn Packages
Want ongoing support for longer-term issues, or just like knowing you'll have spiritual back-up for whatever situations may arise each month? Save big on 3 or 7 Day Candle Services when you commit to a 6 or 12 month subscription!
You may choose to have the service performed for the same petition each month, or you may submit a new petition with each monthly payment. As an additional perk, any other candle services you order while you have an active subscription will be offered at the same discounted rate as your package!